Are Private Parts Of A Mother Exposed To The Doctors During C-section?

All the patient’s private parts are indeed widely exposed during a C-section.
But please remember that your private parts are not really private to an OB/GYN or a urologist: they see them all the time on a daily basis, in all the shapes and sizes they come. And your OB/GYN should have seen yours well in advance, since you want the baby to be healthy
Not that private, indeed.
And yes, all the other people in the delivery room will see your private parts as well — the various nurses, OB/GYN(s), possible trainees, and least but not least: your spouse (who also should have seen them before). Not that private indeed, yet again.
But the view will be medical, and not of romantic nature: there will be some tearing, pushing and screaming, a lot of sweat, a placenta, possible excrements and a lot more. But there will also be a baby, and it will make you forget the medical staff that is staring at your genitals in awe, and posting images of it on Instagram. (A current practice.)
So forget about romantic fantasies, face the reality of childbirth, and concentrate on the little child that is about to be born. Because whatever song you will sing: there will be blood —
And it won’t look pretty.
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