2 America's Longest Serving Prisoners Who Became Prisoners Before Age 25 & Were Imprisoned For Over 68 Years
There are some people who were imprisoned at a young age and have grown old in prison. Some of these people became prisoners at the age of 25 and were imprisoned for over 68 years. We will be talking about two of these Prisoners in this article.
1. Joseph Ligon
Joseph is a former American prisoner who was imprisoned at a young age. According to CNN, Ligon became a prisoner after he was involved in a robbery incident that claimed the lives of two people. He was later sentenced to Life Imprisonment and he was released in the year 2021.
At the time he was imprisoned, he was 15 years old and he spent about 68 years in prison. According to reports, Ligon also holds the title of America's longest serving prisoner.
2. Francis Clifford Smith
Clifford Smith is an American Prisoner who has spent several years in prison. According to Greenwich Time, he was arrested in the year 1949 for the murder of a Night Watchman and he was charged to court. He was later sentenced to life Imprisonment in 1950 and he has been a prisoner since then. At the time he was sent to jail, he was 23 years old but he is currently 94 years old. Francis who has been in prison for over 71 years also holds the title of the World's longest serving prisoner. Francis who has grown old in prison was transferred to a nursing home in 2020.
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